Classic Periods in Mesoamerica, India & China




Unit: Classic Period Elsewhere

Theme: Mesoamerica, India & China



Often classical antiquity refers to a historical period spanning from the output of ancient Greek author Homer in the 8th century bce to the decline of the Roman Empire in the 5th century ce. Seldomly, do we refer to the classical period that took place in other parts of the world. Today's class focuses on the classical periods in Mesoamerica, India and China. 



Learning Objectives


  • Understand the importance of the classical period in other parts of the world
  • Explain the meaning of the term "classical" and why it can be applied to the cultures of Mesoamerica, India and China
  • Gain an awareness of the differences between these three classical cultures
  • Realize the impact of the classical periods in these three areas of the world on their present cultures 
  • Experience the main steps of the dances representative of these three cultures and their classical periods




Main Lesson





 A. Classical Mesoamerica

In Mesoamerica, the classical period took place from 200 BCE - 1000 CE (Common Era) with the emergence of cities, social stratification, and the flowering of material culture. From 300-900 CE the Maya in Mesoamerica developed astrology, calendrics, math and writing.

3 Historic Periods of Indigenous Mesoamerica 




B. Video

(min 28:00)

 C. Text

 The Mesoamerican Ballgame


Search for classic dance 

D. Text


To Be Like Gods 



Question 1

Explain the main aspects of the ancient Mesoamerican culture that makes it classical? 




A. Classical India

Classical India, Empire, History and Religion 


B. Bharatanatyam

Bharatanatyam is an Indian classical dance form that originated in Tamil Nadu. It is one of eight Indian classical dance forms recognized by the Sangeet Natak Akademi, and expresses South Indian religious themes and spiritual ideas, particularly of Shaivism and in general of Hinduism.



Sharada Kouthuvam by Sanjena Ramesh - Sridevi Nrithyalaya - Bharathanatyam Dance


She is Sharadha, the consort of Lord Brahma and the giver of wisdom. Her luminous form radiates like the full moon and she endlessly bestows boons like the Kalpaka Tree. Holding the Veena in her hands, she abates the sorrow of those who surrender. 

A verse from Shyamala Dandakham followed by Sharada Kauthvam... This Kouthuvam has been composed by Sri G Srikanth adapting the lyrics from the Marati bhajan on Goddess Saraswathi. This is set in Valachi ragam & Misra chapu talam. 

Choreography - Smt.Sheela Unnikrishnan 

Vocal - Sri G Srikanth 

Composer & Mridangam - Sri Guru Bharadwaaj 

Violin - Sri Embar Kannan 

Flute - Sri Muthukumar Veena - Tvm Sri Sounderrajan


C. Text

Dancing Bodies of Devotion 

Page 7 - 9 / Multiple Identities of Bharathanatyam


 Question 2

How is the classical aspect of the ancient Indian culture manifested in its dance?





A. Classical China

The dynasty that ruled over a unified China for about 400 years, beginning in 202 B.C. through A.D. 220. Key developments during the reign of this dynasty include the development of civil service exams, the invention of paper, and the establishment of the Silk Road.

Ancient Chinese Philosophy 


B.  Video

Historical Dance Drama Du Fu

This is a Tang Dynasty Dance named “丽人行,” which depicts Yang Yuhuan, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. She was the beloved consort of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang during his later years. Emperor Xuanzong was a wise and competent emperor and created the most affluent, powerful, and prosperous period of Tang Dynastic. But he started to slack off on his work after he fell in love with Yang Yuhuan, and was blamed for over-trusting Yang’s relatives during his late reign and ending Tang’s golden age in the Anshi Rebellion. 

When the emperor fled for the Rebellion, his guards demanded the death of Yang Yuhuan as they blame her and her family for the Rebellion. The emperor eventually reluctantly ordered the death of his lover Yang Yuhuan… 

This dance is inspired by a poem by the same name, 丽人行, by a great poet Dufu, the “Poet-Sage” and “Poet-Historian” in Chinese literary culture, whose greatest ambition was to serve the country as a successful civil servant but whose life, like the whole country, was devastated by the Anshi Rebellion. 

 The dance principal is Hao Ruoqi. This piece is the most successful of Li Ren Xing dance versions.


C. Text


 A History of Ancient Chinese Music and Dance

Pages 12 - 14 


Question 3

In which way is ancient Chinese philosophy present in its classical music, dance and drama?




A Note to Remember 

The Eurasian empires of the classical era are those of Persia, Greece under Alexander the Great, Rome, China during the Qin and Han dynasties, India during the Mauryan and Gupta dynasties.

Ways of the World 

(Read the last page of the chapter)  Reflections: Classical
Empires and the Twentieth Century




Case Study


 (43:45 - 1:10:00 ) Vedic Civilization

(1:11:00) Ancient China / Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han Dynasties

Question 4

Why is the Vedic Civilization considered classical?

Question 5

Which one of the Ancient Chinese dynasties is the most classic?











Strayer, Robert W. The Classical Era in World History: The Big Picture 500 B.C.E. – 500 C.
Robert W. Strayer

Classical India, Empire, History and Religion.

Pentreath,  Rosie (2022).Why do we call classical music ‘classical music’?



Students' Work



Tang Dynasty



Classic Indian


Classic Mayan


Make Up Work

Renato Franchi Filho - 3/28

Classical music is defined as having been composed and performed between 1920 and 1959, which encompasses the "golden age of musical theater." Thus, I would classify the Mesoamerican music we heard as classical.

Professor'sresponse (Based on Pentreath's): The answer is more complex than what Renato thinks. The Oxford Dictionary defines 'classical music' as “music written in a Western musical tradition, usually using an established form (for example a symphony). Classical music is generally considered to be serious and to have a lasting value.”

However the used of the term is widespread and generalized.  Thus, more specifically,  ‘classical music’  describes instrumental, orchestral, vocal, choral and other forms of Western music.

But why do we use it as an umbrella, catch-all phrase for Western music, and where do the Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic eras, and beyond, fit?

Because ‘classical music’ has become the best way to describe the powerful combinations of instruments, melody and harmony that make up the canon of Western music history.The Classical era goes from roughly from 1750-1830, encompassing composers such as Motzart, Hydn and early Beethoven, (although some say he is the transition to the next era, the Romantic era (1830-1900) really). Thus, the Classical era saw the formalization of fixed structures, compositional techniques and orchestral sizes and shapes in the symphony, comic operas, and the Classical piano sonata.

Orchestras went through great changes: the harpsichord or organ of the previous  Baroque era (1600–1750) were no longer orchestras’ musical foundation, and wind instruments such as the horn, trumpet, clarinet, flute, and oboe joined the strings to create a new distinctive sound.

Society was being reshaped by the Age of Enlightenment, a time of radical change where social values focused on human rights and freedom of religion. And the architectural style of the time was all about straight lines and order (as opposed to the more ornate styles of the Baroque), reminiscent of ancient Rome and Greece – hence the term ‘Classical’.

 THUS, In ancient cultures, with similar classical characteristics, the term also applies.

Nydia Kyriakopoulos

Ancient Mesoamerican culture is marked by distinct features. It housed advanced civilizations like the Maya, Aztec, and Olmec, known for complex societies with towering pyramids and intricate stone carvings. These cultures boasted sophisticated writing systems, like Maya hieroglyphics and Aztec pictograms, used to document history and beliefs. Mathematics and astronomy thrived, especially among the Maya, who crafted intricate calendars and conducted precise celestial observations. Religion held sway, with elaborate ceremonies honoring deities linked to agriculture and war. Urban centers were vital, fostering trade and cultural exchange across the region. In sum, classical Mesoamerican culture is renowned for its art, architecture, science, religion, and urban life.



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